Who is Gina Cole?

Specialist Areas

  • Organisational Development
  • Leadership and Management Development
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Train the Trainer
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Talent Management Development
  • Developing Capacity Building Teams
  • Employee engagement and wellbeing
  • Change Management and Creative Thinking.


  •  Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner
  •  Chartered Fellow FCIPD
  •  MSc Strategic Human Resource Management
  •  Coaching Supervision
  •  ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring in Management
  •  IIP Advisor and Internal Reviewer
  •  Level 5 Management of Organisational Learning and Development
  •  NVQ assessor and internal verifier.
  • MBTI (step 1)
  • Integral eye movement therapy

Change is inevitable. Change is constant.


Benjamin Disraeli

Goal Centred Learning and Living

What is the GOAL centred approach?

Grow – personally, professionally or organisationally

Optimise – opportunities & ideas, create success

Activate – change, challenge and choices

Learn – continually improve and develop

GOAL centred individuals 

Coaching is available for Executives, Teams, managers and individuals

Focus can be for:

  • Performance goals
  • Personal goals such as confidence
  • Career coaching
  • Life satisfaction goals
  • Challenges

Gina uses a range of coaching techniques to explore possibilities, options, challenge and direction. These can include Neuro linguistic programming, Myers Briggs profiling, Conflict profiles, Integral eye movement therapy, Emotional Intelligence,  Strengths, clean space and language amongst others.


You don’t need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are!


John Lennon

GOAL centred teams

Encouraging high performance teams is key to success. Gina will use a range of methodologies to understand how teams form and grow and use facilitation to explore future goals.  With organizational development in mind, Gina can help craft capacity building roles and teams to ensure sustainability, ownership, development and impact.

Useful Tools for teams

Useful tools for facilitation include MBTI, NLP, Team roles, De Bono creative thinking tools, Strengths and experiential learning activities.

GOAL Centred organisations

Gina can craft and design organisational development interventions through goal centred diagnostics. OD work explores performance measures, benchmarking opportunities and desired future impact.

Key themes for organizational development projects and approaches include:

  • Leadership and management
  • Vision and values
  • Induction and onboarding, development centre interventions and recruitment & selection
  • Behaviour and competency framework development
  • Performance management approaches and systems
  • Coaching/mentoring cultures and practices
  • Training delivery approaches, Train the trainer & training design
  • Capacity building teams
  • Talent Management approaches
  • Organisational wellbeing and employee engagement, reward and recognition schemes
  • Investors in people advice and guidance

Your next GOAL? Get in touch…